Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Storm December 8 - 9, 2009

We all knew it was going to happen sometime but I don't think anyone was actually ready for the first snow of the season.  Tuesday it snowed most of the day and continued into the night.  By 8:30PM we already knew that there would be no school for Jordan on Wednesday.  Waking up on Wednesday we actually dreaded going outside and "trying" to move snow.  The wind had picked up and was blowing HARD!!

Jason moved some of the snow from the drive so he could get the truck out.  Jordan thought this clearing was his own personal area to play in the snow.  He LOVES the snow.

Looking from the back door of the house up to the shop.

Yes, my van is in the garage behind that drift.  Will I get out before Spring?

Jason watched Jordan play.  If you look real close you can see the snow blowing past.

I didn't get pictures, but, we have the BEST neighbors around.  One of our neighbors came over with a big cabbed tractor and large bucket and moved the snow out of our drive for us!!  It took lots less time than it would have taken for Jason to clear all of it.  We just have some small clean up work to do but at least we can get out now.

I love Iowa neighbors!!  Thank you Jeff.

Personally, this is enough snow for the entire winter.  Hope everyone stays safe and warm INSIDE!

by Jeni

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