Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009 is one that I truly believe we will all remember for years.  It will be that Christmas that we all talk about ... "remember the year we didn't get to go anywhere because of the ice, snow and just plain horrible weather".

We were supposed to make the annual trip to Audubon on Christmas Eve Day to stay at "the barn" but for several days we watched the weather forecast saying that a large storm was on its way to Iowa but nobody knew exactly where it was going to hit until it actually got here or what it was going to bring to the area.  We started getting ready for Christmas as usual, getting the presents wrapped, suitcases packed and finding our Christmas outfits just in case there was a break in the storm or it didn't hit where everyone thought it MIGHT.  When we went to bed the night before Christmas Eve it was not looking very promising for us to get out the next day, and waking up confirmed what nobody actually wanted to say the day before....NO TRAVEL for the Scanlan family this year.  My emotions were everywhere!  I really don't remember the last time I wasn't with my Audubon family for Christmas.  It just doesn't seem like Christmas without the trip to Audubon.  Parts of Audubon were without power and roads getting to Audubon were ice and snow covered.  We would just have to make the best of staying in Northeast Iowa instead.

With Grandma Ann & Grandpa Steve just 25 miles away we decided that we could probably make it to Waverly for a small Christmas.  So, we loaded up the truck with us, the meat/cheese tray that was to feed the whole Levis family and a few presents.  The roads were very wet going to Waverly and if the temperature would drop even just a degree or two there could be TROUBLE but we made it to Grandma's house for Christmas.  Even without the rest of the family we had a very good day.  We had food, fun and Santa found us while we were taking naps.


After supper we decided it was time to try to head home since it was now snowing and had gotten much colder and the radar was indicating more to come. So, once again we loaded up in the truck and hit the road.  It took us a while longer than normal to get home due to the slushy-icy-snowy roads but we made it safe.

Christmas Morning we woke in our own beds for the first time ever and had no where to go and looking outside, wouldn't get anywhere if we tried.  We have spent the day playing with our new toys and just relaxing at home.  It isn't the Christmas we are used to but we are safe, warm and with loved ones.

So, we hope that everyone had a safe, warm holiday with loved ones even if you didn't have the Christmas of your memories. 
Merry Christmas and lets hope we have a better New Year!

by Jeni

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