Friday, May 22, 2009

Where does the time go?

Who was even thinking when this little boy was brought home that in 4 short years he would be going to PreSchool and just a few short months later we would be attending his PreSchool Graduation. I went through LOTS of emotions this morning. I was proud, nervous, sad and back to proud.

We woke up this morning and started getting ready for the last day of school and I tried to remember how hard it was for me on the first day of school just 9 short months ago. He was ready to go to school that first day but he has grown so much since then. He is not my baby boy anymore. I was very nervous for the graduation time, I hoped that he would stay at the front and participate in the ceremony, unlike the Christmas program. I did tell myself, and Jason, it would be fine if he didn't participate there were going to be lots of people and we all know how shy he is. As we sat in the gym waiting for the kids to march in I looked around and remembered the first time I was in the gym for registration over a year ago and he clung to my leg the entire time. Then, here they came, all these young boys and girls walking in their line and looking for a familiar face, finding that face and giving a little wave. Jordan finally spotted us and waved but stayed where he was in the line. He stayed there for the ENTIRE program, he sang with them and sat patiently until they read his name and he got his "diploma". I sat and watched him read it to himself, although I am not sure what he thought it said but he sure looked like he was proud and reading it just to make sure his name was there.

So today I go from a mom of a infant boy to a PreSchool Graduate!

Thank you Mrs. Elsamiller and the entire teaching staff of Tripoli PreSchool. This was a great year and we are looking forward to another great year next year!

I know this was only PreSchool, how am I going to react when it is highschool???

by Jeni
a VERY proud mom

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