Sunday, May 9, 2010

Geocaching on Mother's Day

I decided I wanted to spend Mother's Day with my boys so we found a couple of geocaching spots and headed out.  The last time we did this, Jordan was still in diapers and we took him in a stroller so this was a completely new experience for him.  Armed with the GPS and a daddy that knew approximately where we were going we were off to "Kip's Forest".  We told Jordan that we were going to find some treasures that our friend Kip had hidden in the forest and he decided that we were then going to Kip's Forest!

The boys are never ones to take a already taken path, they are just following the arrow on the GPS.

First treasure found.

Taking a break, VERY close to the second treasure.

Jordan found it all by himself!

Mom, insisted on taking the path back to the van.

Our trail guide at the final destination!

It was a great Mother's Day adventure for all of us.  Thanks to my boys for taking me along.

by Jeni

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