Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Well, October is over and with that comes Halloween. We asked Jordan several weeks ago what he wanted to be for Halloween and he very proudly stated......

A Fireman!

so, for the third year in a row we dressed our fireman up and went out trick-or-treating.

The last two years the costume was courtesy of Aunt Angela & Uncle Phil and their wonderful store in Oregon. Jordan outgrew that costume mid-summer so it was sent back.

Aunt Angela in her wonderful way knew just what Jordan needed for his birthday however and sent him a wonderful fire coat. Pair that with his fire hat from his 1st birthday and fire boots that Cousin Megan decided she no longer could wear and ta-da.........

Our Fireman! - version 2008

He had a great time, this year he would even say trick-or-treat and he remembered to say thank you after getting the treats. It was a great night to walk Frederika and even see ALOT of our neighbors.

Bringing the loot from the first house back to the van. Wish the look on his face showed better in this photo. He was so proud.

Well, here is a small portion of the look of "candy victory"!

by Jeni

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