Sunday, December 30, 2007

WOW Christmas!

Well, we have made it through almost two weeks of Family Christmas gatherings. We started in Odebolt on the 22nd of December with the Scanlan's. Here is a photo of all of the cousin's that were at Grandma & Grandpa's. Jordan loved playing with Cousin Ben and still talks about if this car is Ben's or Jordan's and tells us lots of the things that they did together. Who knew that the 3 year olds knew what cars were theirs better than the adults that bought them.

(Jordan, Emily, Ben, Breanna, Amanda, Alexa, & Brittany)

Then to Audubon on Christmas Eve at Taylor Hill with the Levis bunch and was quickly followed by Christmas Morning at Great Grandma Nielsen's.

On Christmas Eve, Jordan was able to keep up with both Megan & Madison although it was hard sometimes to tell who was following who. All three of them knew they were the stars of the night and made sure that every adult was watching when they did cute things. Then Christmas morning, Jordan was the only kid there and again, KNEW he was the center of attention and took full advantage.

(This was Jordan's response to getting his picture taken AGAIN, at about 10:00pm on Christmas Eve.)

Saturday, December 29th was the party with Nielsen's in Waverly. As usual Jordan had a great time with Megan & Madison. Grandma had a cake and the kids helped her decorate it so that we could celebrate the birthday of Jesus.

(Megan, Grandma, Jordan & Madison singing Happy Birthday)

All of these parties gave Jason lots of pictures to take and Jeni to label and try to get into some kind of order for everyone's viewing pleasure. Here are just a few of them, but to see all of them try these links:

Scanlan Christmas2007

Levis Christmas 2007

Nielsen Christmas 2007

We wish everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year.

The Scanlan's

by Jeni

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