Sunday, June 14, 2009

A busy weekend outside.

Finally a nice weekend and the Scanlan family took advantage of every minute of it.

Fridays have become "Daddy-Jordan" days since Jason doesn't work on Fridays at this time. The boys plan on Friday was to get the motor on the boat working and maybe even take it out for a cruise. It took a long time but the motor was finally working and the boys ventured to the river.

Jason says Jordan was VERY VERY nervous while in the boat but they both had a great day.

Saturday was then "Mommy-Jordan" day. Daddy had to work at the CedarFalls Raceway so Mommy and Jordan took a trip to Waverly to visit with Grandma and Aunt Emily was coming up to visit also. We spent the day doing garage sales, and Grandma and Aunt Emily did their part of spoiling Jordan. Grandma found a play house and Jordan thinks it is his personal home.

One of our new favorite family activities is going swimming. Sunday was a great day to be outside and in a swimming pool so we ventured to Sumner. There were actually two purposes for this trip, one was to just have a great day as a family and the second was to familiarize Jordan with the pool because Amber will be taking him to this pool for swimming lessons in a couple of weeks. We had a GREAT day. The pool had a bunch of the "swim noodles" and Jordan was even swimming from Mommy to Daddy using just the noodle. Within about 20 minutes of being home after swimming, Jordan was sleeping on the couch while I made supper.

Our TIRED swimming angel!

Hope everyone had as great of a weekend as the Scanlan Family did!

by Jeni

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Raising a Redneck

Alright, you know that you are raising a redneck boy when his newest favorite thing to do is........

drive the OLD mower around the lawn.

Jason & Jordan worked on this mower Friday so that Jason could spray the weeds around the yard but Jordan has decided that it is HIS mower and he loves to drive it around the lawn. He doesn't really care where he is going just that he is able to go on his own.

For all of those people that are worried that Jordan will just go out and start it by himself, don't worry! The gas leaks out so not very often will it have much gas in it and the starter doesn't work so you have to "hop" it as Jordan calls it. For those of you that don't talk 4 year old, adults would say you have to jump it to get it started.

by Jeni