Saturday, September 29, 2007

Birthday Weekend for Cousins

On Saturday Cousins Megan & Madison had their birthday party for friends and of course it wouldn't be complete if Mommy, Grandpa & Jordan didn't joined in the fun. Grandma would have been there too but she wasn't feeling well. Grandma did make the cake and gave Mommy instructions on how to finish it but Grandma could have done so much better.

After cake & ice cream, we opened presents then went outside to play.....

And the entire day wore Jordan out!!!

by Jeni 10-29-07

Monday, September 10, 2007

Busy Weekend

Well, It has been pretty busy around here of the last week. First of all, Jordan decided that he wanted to use the big boy potty. It has gone very well. He goes into the bathroom and goes potty whenever he has to. This was a challenge this past weekend as we made the 4hr drive to Audubon for Jeni's Cousin's wedding. We just put the potty in the back of the van and just pulled over whenever he had to go. (He is going to hate graduation)

Before the wedding, we took our photo in the Audubon city Park.

Then on Sunday, we went through Swan Lake on the way home and Jordan and Jeni fed the goats. One of them pulled on Jordan's shirt. He wasn't sure about that. Than one sneezed on him. He was telling me again tonight how the goat sneezed on his arm.

Finally we decided to stop at uncle Jack's. There we got to feed his cows. That was pretty exciting also.

By Jason

You can see more photos at

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

Sad Weekend at the Scanlan Home

Friday didn't begin the weekend very well. I had to work and had taken Jordan to "Mir" and Papa's for the day. Jason decided to take the day off and get some much needed clean-up done around the outside of the buildings and the house. A very long story made short, Kesley fell asleep under the truck that Jason was loading stuff into and didn't here that the truck was moving and Jason ran over her back half. This broke her back legs and most likely hurt some of her internal organs also because Jason said she was bleeding. I came home early and went with Jason to take her to the vet where they put her down.

We decided that it was probably for the best. She was getting VERY old, she had already lost her hearing and I am not overly sure how much of her sight she still had. Our biggest worry was how to explain Kelsey not coming back to Jordan but I really don't think he has even realized that she isn't around. We went to Waterloo today to pick up a few things and I decided to take him into PetSmart to get a new ID tag for Katie since she lost hers long ago. Jordan did keep telling me that we needed to get one for "doggie too". He never called her Kelsey, he always called her doggie.

So, we are down to one dog and sometimes that is even WAY TO MUCH!!!

by Jeni

Day at the Fair

Saturday, Jeni went shopping with her mom so Jordan and I went to the Big Four Fair in Nashua. We watched the horses for a while, seen some rabbits, and then he was determined to ride the cars. He has never been on a ride like this so it surprised me when he wanted to ride them so bad. First we had to go get tickets and then put him on the ride. Boy, did he ever like that. He is really coming out of his shell and getting a bit braver. I think this is a positive result of day care.

You can see more photos at

By Jason 09/03/07