Sunday, July 24, 2011

He is now 7!

We celebrated Jordan's birthday this weekend.  I can't believe that he is seven already.  The weekend started with Grandma Shirley and Papa Pat coming over on Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with us.  Saturday afternoon we took a couple of best buddies to the Sumner movie, Cars 2.  Saturday night Grandma Ann, Papa Steve, Aunt Emily, Megan and Madison all came for supper, cake and of course presents!

 No birthday for Jordan would be complete without a Lighting McQueen and Mater Cake!

 Of course Grandma Shirley is trying to convince Jordan that she gets the biggest piece of cake.

Now time for the presents!  Aunt Emily is always one to spoil Jordan, he got Lighting McQueen AND...

... Mater.

Grandma Shirley thinks this card should be for her instead of Jordan.

Grandma Ann showing Jordan that his new watch will talk to him.

Today we finished up the weekend with a trip to the swimming pool.  What a busy weekend for a SEVEN YEAR OLD.  Happy Birthday Jordan!

by Jeni

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Our boy LOVES pasta!

We always know that a good meal for Jordan will include pasta of just about any kind.  Even when he is playing picky he will eat pasta.  Tonight he kept complaining that he didn't want chicken and pasta however.....

He finished the entire plate like usual!  He does LOVE pasta!

by Jeni

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day 2-14-2011

My wonderful husband and son surprised me on Valentine's Day with this....

and to my real surprise, it was just part of a DOZEN!

I know that I am a very lucky lady. I have a great husband that loves me and a wonderful son.  I hope that they know that I love them also.

by Jeni

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jordan is growing up....

to fast for mommy.  Today was a huge day in our house......

the first lost tooth.  Which means the tooth-fairy is on her way.  You can see it was more than ready to come out since the new tooth is already half way in behind it.
by Jeni


I was reminded last night that I hadn't updated this for quite some time.  Here is my attempt to get everyone caught up on "The Scanlan Adventures".
August brought the first day of Kindergarten for a very happy boy.

A few weeks after the start of school, Jordan announced that he had been watching Mallory at school and could now tie his own shoes.  Look out mom, he is growing up!

During warm weather we love to be outside.  Usually daddy is our  photographer but this time mom turns the camera on him.