Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Graduation Day.......Pre-School style!

It is so hard to beleive that the end of the school year is here and Jordan graduated!  He will be moving forward to Kindergarten next year.  Makes mommy sad and happy all at the same time.  He is growing up so fast and I must say it myself, is becoming a very wonderful "little man".

Yesterday daddy told Jordan that he couldn't wear shorts today to school so Jordan himself decided that he WANTED to wear his button shirt, his tie and good pants.  Of course with this outfit comes the Papa Boots!

Graduation started with the traditional Grand March with everyone and their caps.

Getting ready to sing a couple of songs that they learned.

Receiving THE DIPLOMA!! and a high-five.

The proud Graduate!

Jordan with a wonderful Pre-School teacher, Mrs. Milius!  Thank you for all you have done for many children!


After Graduation we headed to Waverly.  Daddy had arranged a stop at the Sherriff Station to see the 911 communication center, courtesy of our friend Kip!  It was a hit with Jordan, now every time the scanner goes off he listens and says, "that's the lady that showed us all those screens".  What a great experience for ALL of us.  Our next stop was to have the tire on Mommys van checked out, needed a new one :(.  Then to Pizza Ranch for Jordan's favorite lunch.  On our way Jordan says "this is the best day with lots of great things"!  The day ended with a trip to Wal-Mart for a new frame for the diploma and some much wanted popcicles.

It was a great final day of Pre-School and we are looking forward to learning LOTS next year in Kindergarten too.

Daddy just asked Jordan what the best part of his day was and his response.....
"going to that office where the lady works and seeing Kip!"

by Jeni

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Geocaching on Mother's Day

I decided I wanted to spend Mother's Day with my boys so we found a couple of geocaching spots and headed out.  The last time we did this, Jordan was still in diapers and we took him in a stroller so this was a completely new experience for him.  Armed with the GPS and a daddy that knew approximately where we were going we were off to "Kip's Forest".  We told Jordan that we were going to find some treasures that our friend Kip had hidden in the forest and he decided that we were then going to Kip's Forest!

The boys are never ones to take a already taken path, they are just following the arrow on the GPS.

First treasure found.

Taking a break, VERY close to the second treasure.

Jordan found it all by himself!

Mom, insisted on taking the path back to the van.

Our trail guide at the final destination!

It was a great Mother's Day adventure for all of us.  Thanks to my boys for taking me along.

by Jeni

Taking a trip with Grandma & Papa

Last week Jordan & I took a trip with Grandma Ann & Papa Steve back to Audubon for a funeral.  Along the way we made a side stop in Story City and decided to ride the carousel.

Jordan...always the clown.


by Jeni