Friday, July 24, 2009

5th Birthday

I can't believe that Jordan is 5. Where does the time go? Last year Daddy wanted to get Jordan a 4 wheeler but we decided that he was still to little and needed to wait a year. So, this year.........

Jordan got his 4wheeler. He looks so little riding it but he really does a GREAT job.

Even Grandma Ann got a ride, now that is trust. She won't even ride a motorcycle with Papa.

Friday afternoon Uncle Scott, Aunt Doris, Cousin Breanna, Uncle Jack, Cousin Emily, Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Pat came for the weekend and a party on Sunday. Jordan loved having everyone here and gave LOTS of rides to everyone.

Grandma Shirley got a ride, not real sure if she liked the ride or not.

a closer version of the above picture. Jordan says that Grandma "screamed like a little girl". You can kind of see the laugh on Jordan's face.

Cousin Emily getting her ride.

Cousin Breanna gets a ride also.

Sunday we had a great lunch party for Jordan. Then presents and cake.

Jordan waiting patiently to open presents.

Jordan's cake, mommy tried to make a truck this year.

Our 5 year old blowing out his candles.


by Jeni

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Waverly Heritage Days

Saturday morning (7/18/09) Mommy and Jordan headed to Waverly for Heritage Days and to be on Grandma & Papa's float for the parade. We also were going to be seeing Aunt Emily, Jenna, Megan, Madison, Peter, and Sara. It was going to be a VERY busy weekend.

Jordan was really excited because he was going to be riding his little fire truck on the float for the parade. Not to mention the fact he was looking forward to playing with the cousins.

When we got to the house the trailer was covered and Jordan was curious as to what was under all the tarps.

Jordan's reaction to what he saw as the tarps were removed.

Checking out his fire truck for the parade.

The whole crew, minus two mommies - Jeni & Emily - that got to walk the route to hand out candy.


After a short night due to watching fireworks at a wonderful friends house, we loaded up all the kids again and went to the airport for a pancake breakfast then a chance to watch some skydiving and checking out planes.

It was a busy weekend but I think we all COMPLETELY enjoyed being together! Can't wait to do it again next year........maybe.

by Jeni

Friday, July 17, 2009

Daddy Jordan Day

Well, another daddy Jordan day is coming to a close. I am so lucky to have these days. Today we worked on repainting the fire department sign. Jordan is getting to be a big help.

First we had to take the letters off and repaint them. Jordan took them off.

Jordan Showing off the finished product. After we were done with that it was time for some lunch

All the hard work makes us a bit tired so we took a little nap after lunch. After our nap we took the sign back into town and hung it up then it was time for a Root Beer so we stopped at the bait shop for a while. It was a good day.


PS. The photos were from my phone so they aren't very clear.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Random Things

Saturday at the Parade

Today we started with a parade in Plainfield where we took the fire truck. Jordan was the co-pilot and did very good at throwing candy to all the kids. He even learned how to blow the air horn. We made it back home for lunch and a quick nap and then went to the swimming pool for a couple of hours.

The discovery of the tiny Frogs

The other night, Jordan was playing in the yard and found some frogs. These frogs were very, very small. He played with them for a while then we had to take photos.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

The Scanlans