Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Taking a cue from a friend I thought I would share a cute saying from Jordan tonight.

Jason is getting ready for bed and told Jordan "I'm going to turn in"

Jordan's reaction -- "turn into what?"

The answer to his question was Jason & I almost falling to the floor laughing. Jason then told me, sometimes I forget he is only 4 1/2.

by Jeni

How to know a 4 year old isn't feeling well.

So, how do you know that a 4 year old little boy isn't feeling well??

This is his preferred spot to be ........ all weekend long!

Friday night Jordan showed signs of not feeling well during our supper out. Saturday and Sunday only confirmed the fact that our boy was SICK! Monday Daddy took the day off and they went to see Dr. Matt. It was confirmed that he had strep throat. That explains why he doesn't want to move from the couch.

Jordan has been watching when mommy tries to "relax" in the bath. His fever did go down for a little while after his bath.

I am very happy to say that we are looking at an up swing on the health of our boy today. He has eaten 1/2 a piece of french toast, some string cheese and 2 ice pops today.

by Jeni aka nurse mommy