Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009 is one that I truly believe we will all remember for years.  It will be that Christmas that we all talk about ... "remember the year we didn't get to go anywhere because of the ice, snow and just plain horrible weather".

We were supposed to make the annual trip to Audubon on Christmas Eve Day to stay at "the barn" but for several days we watched the weather forecast saying that a large storm was on its way to Iowa but nobody knew exactly where it was going to hit until it actually got here or what it was going to bring to the area.  We started getting ready for Christmas as usual, getting the presents wrapped, suitcases packed and finding our Christmas outfits just in case there was a break in the storm or it didn't hit where everyone thought it MIGHT.  When we went to bed the night before Christmas Eve it was not looking very promising for us to get out the next day, and waking up confirmed what nobody actually wanted to say the day before....NO TRAVEL for the Scanlan family this year.  My emotions were everywhere!  I really don't remember the last time I wasn't with my Audubon family for Christmas.  It just doesn't seem like Christmas without the trip to Audubon.  Parts of Audubon were without power and roads getting to Audubon were ice and snow covered.  We would just have to make the best of staying in Northeast Iowa instead.

With Grandma Ann & Grandpa Steve just 25 miles away we decided that we could probably make it to Waverly for a small Christmas.  So, we loaded up the truck with us, the meat/cheese tray that was to feed the whole Levis family and a few presents.  The roads were very wet going to Waverly and if the temperature would drop even just a degree or two there could be TROUBLE but we made it to Grandma's house for Christmas.  Even without the rest of the family we had a very good day.  We had food, fun and Santa found us while we were taking naps.


After supper we decided it was time to try to head home since it was now snowing and had gotten much colder and the radar was indicating more to come. So, once again we loaded up in the truck and hit the road.  It took us a while longer than normal to get home due to the slushy-icy-snowy roads but we made it safe.

Christmas Morning we woke in our own beds for the first time ever and had no where to go and looking outside, wouldn't get anywhere if we tried.  We have spent the day playing with our new toys and just relaxing at home.  It isn't the Christmas we are used to but we are safe, warm and with loved ones.

So, we hope that everyone had a safe, warm holiday with loved ones even if you didn't have the Christmas of your memories. 
Merry Christmas and lets hope we have a better New Year!

by Jeni

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Storm December 8 - 9, 2009

We all knew it was going to happen sometime but I don't think anyone was actually ready for the first snow of the season.  Tuesday it snowed most of the day and continued into the night.  By 8:30PM we already knew that there would be no school for Jordan on Wednesday.  Waking up on Wednesday we actually dreaded going outside and "trying" to move snow.  The wind had picked up and was blowing HARD!!

Jason moved some of the snow from the drive so he could get the truck out.  Jordan thought this clearing was his own personal area to play in the snow.  He LOVES the snow.

Looking from the back door of the house up to the shop.

Yes, my van is in the garage behind that drift.  Will I get out before Spring?

Jason watched Jordan play.  If you look real close you can see the snow blowing past.

I didn't get pictures, but, we have the BEST neighbors around.  One of our neighbors came over with a big cabbed tractor and large bucket and moved the snow out of our drive for us!!  It took lots less time than it would have taken for Jason to clear all of it.  We just have some small clean up work to do but at least we can get out now.

I love Iowa neighbors!!  Thank you Jeff.

Personally, this is enough snow for the entire winter.  Hope everyone stays safe and warm INSIDE!

by Jeni

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Santa Claus Visit

December 5, 2009 Santa Claus came to Frederika.
We took Jordan to see him and give him "the list".


Hope everyone has a great Christmas.

by Jeni

Remodel Begins

Thanksgiving weekend we decided to start a remodel on our bedroom.  Because of the age of the house, most of the walls are plaster and lathe and very little insulation.  Everything had to come down in the bedroom and the mess began.

So, here is the before.  Notice the bi-fold doors on the hallway door as well as the very small closet.


The demolish crew!
The furniture is cleaned out so time for DEMO!


Jordan is our "task master", he doesn't like it when we decide to take a break.  Here is is yelling at Jason and I "hey guys, there is lots more work up here"!

Jordan helping take the plaster off the walls.  He was so excited to be able to pound on the walls with a crew bar and watch the walls fall.


Jordan made his own work bench inside using the old lathe.

This is the new closet with a HUGE door.

Thank goodness for Grandpa Steve who willingly comes up to help us anytime we want!
Finally getting the sheetrock hung.

 Helping to clean up after a long day.

Look at that dirty face!  He has been working hard.

We are not done yet so I will keep updating the progress here.  We were hoping to have it completed by Christmas but that is not looking good at this time.

So, you now know why we have all been covered in dust for the last couple of weeks.

by Jeni

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What a way to start a Sunday.....

About 3AM today (11/1/09) Jason's pager went off for a grain dryer fire. My heart stops everytime the pager takes him out of the house but I really don't like grain fires. After a couple of hours he finally called and asked if Jordan & I wanted to come down and get some pictures of the guys in action. The fire was out, just some areas smoldering.  Below are just some of the pictures that I was able to take.

Next time you see a firefighter.....

thank them for all they do.

There is a family member that is waiting everytime they walk out the door.

by Jeni

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Getting Ready for Halloween 2009

Halloween time is here once again. A few weeks ago we traveled to a local pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin and ended up with two.

I decided not to carve them until just before Halloween so they would stay nice, so last night was the big carving night. Daddy & Jordan were in charge of getting the "guts" out of them.

Jordan drew out on paper what he wanted his pumpkins to look like, I was then in charge of transferring that idea to the pumpkin. We of course had to have one happy pumpkin and on scary pumpkin. We then armed our 5 year old with a knife so that the carving could begin.....

He had strict instructions to NOT cut himself and he assured me that he would be very careful, which, in true Jordan fashion, he was!
The first few cuts took awhile until he got it all figured out.

His reaction to cutting through the first time.

The finished product!


I will also be adding costume pictures later this weekend.
by Jeni

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Hard Lesson for a 5 Year Old

While I was pregnant with Jordan, I would lay on the couch and Katie would come over and lay her head on my tummy like she was listening to Jordan move. Nobody can tell me that there isn't something true about a boy and his dog.

From the very beginning Katie has been Jordan's snuggle, playmate, and protector!

Occasionally we would hear a scream come from Jordan after Katie had stolen food from him, sometimes right out of his hands or off his plate, but seconds later they were back to playing again.

On the first day of school, the pictures weren't complete until Katie was in them also.

Tonight is a sad night for Jordan.

Katie ran into the road and was hit by a truck. Unfortunately daddy was out of town on a business trip so Jordan had to go with me to take Katie to the vet, but it was to late. She had way to much damage inside and most likely died before we even left the driveway. From the time we left the vet's office until we got home my little boy cried for his doggie, even the offer of someday maybe getting a different doggie didn't help. He is sleeping with his "Kakie's" collar tonight and wanted to look at all the pictures of him with his "Kakie".

I know that it will get better, but this is one sad mommy tonight. Not because we lost a great dog, which she was, but because my little boy is so sad and there is nothing I can do about it.

So, give all the little ones hugs, yes even the dogs!

by Jeni

Friday, July 24, 2009

5th Birthday

I can't believe that Jordan is 5. Where does the time go? Last year Daddy wanted to get Jordan a 4 wheeler but we decided that he was still to little and needed to wait a year. So, this year.........

Jordan got his 4wheeler. He looks so little riding it but he really does a GREAT job.

Even Grandma Ann got a ride, now that is trust. She won't even ride a motorcycle with Papa.

Friday afternoon Uncle Scott, Aunt Doris, Cousin Breanna, Uncle Jack, Cousin Emily, Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Pat came for the weekend and a party on Sunday. Jordan loved having everyone here and gave LOTS of rides to everyone.

Grandma Shirley got a ride, not real sure if she liked the ride or not.

a closer version of the above picture. Jordan says that Grandma "screamed like a little girl". You can kind of see the laugh on Jordan's face.

Cousin Emily getting her ride.

Cousin Breanna gets a ride also.

Sunday we had a great lunch party for Jordan. Then presents and cake.

Jordan waiting patiently to open presents.

Jordan's cake, mommy tried to make a truck this year.

Our 5 year old blowing out his candles.


by Jeni