Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Time away from the television......

Monday, May 26th, while Jason was in Parkersburg helping, Jordan and I decided to take a break from watching all the news and visit Granma & Papa. We had a HighSchool Graduation Party to attend that direction anyway so decided to drop by and see what they were up to.

Of course, Jordan being as spoiled as he is by Granma & Papa, got Papa to get the "truck" out to see if he could drive it. Papa put the battery in and Jordan jumped in, looked up at me and said "me a big boy now mom". He was such a proud boy Monday!

Look at the concentration at driving down the SIDEWALK! Mom hopes he uses this much concentration when he gets his real license.

After a couple of trips around the parking lot, he had to check the battery, and other fluids I am assuming. Once he was satisfied that everything was alright under the hood, he jumped back in and around the parking lot we went again.

Proud Boy!

We did have to find the sun glasses after awhile.
"Me look cool mom?"

All he has talked about since Monday is that he got to drive the big truck. Sorry Megan, I'm not sure if you will be able to drive him around the parking lot anymore or if he will drive you.

by Jeni

What a Weekend

Watching the news the last few days has been more than depressing. Around 4:45pm on Sunday May 24th a storm came through NE Iowa and hit several communities. The community that seems to have been hit the hardest is Parkersburg. While this is about 1 hour away from us and all we got during the storm was LOTS of rain and a little bit of small hail, Parkersburg has been basically destroyed.

Jason, or resident Fire Fighter/EMS, traveled with others from Frederika to help with searching for victims and cleaning things up. Monday he was even able to get some pictures, instead of me posting them here check out our photo website.

by Jeni

Saturday, May 17, 2008

FINALLY a non-rain weekend!

WOW, a Saturday that it isn't raining. So, what does the Scanlan family do? We take the chance to get outside and get things done.

Jason spent most of the day in the shop working on his truck while Jordan, or now known as "shadow", watched VERY carefully. By the end of the day, the truck was fixed.........
and almost all of Jordan's cars had been on the jack at least once.

Jeni got the lawn mowed, well almost. Now the mower is on the jack waiting to be fixed!
We will all sleep VERY well tonight.

by Jeni