Thursday morning we left our house to go to Jacks for Thanksgiving where most of the Scanlan family was going to be. Jordan was really looking forward to playing with Cousin Ben and realized once we were there that Cousin Alexa was a good playmate also. He even shared his cars with "my Lexa".

The boys spent lots of time playing with the trucks, cars and tractors. We discovered that they are a lot alike, or at least are when they are together. This was a favorite way to play with the cars.
While the "little boys" were playing with cars the "big boys" went on a geocaching trip.
Friday and Saturday morning we kind of hid from Jack, since he thought we were heading home. But Saturday night......... SURPRISE!
Ben & Jordan are getting ready to surprise Uncle Jack with one of his gifts.

To see more photos of Thanksgiving, check out Jason's smug mug site:
by Jeni