Sunday, July 29, 2007

Busy weekend for Jordan

Jordan had a very busy weekend. Friday we went fishing, Saturday he and daddy built a bird house, went shopping at Menards, then he got to visit with Grandma & Papa Nielsen. Sunday we decided to go to a local park that has a variety of animals that we got to see. Cougar, baby ducks, bears, baby deer, & buffalo. Jordan ran almost everywhere! He was so tired by the time we got back in the van to come the 45 mins home. -- Jeni
Concentrating on bringing in the bobber!

Our master stainer!

Jordan's purchase at Menards.

The boys say it is for mom, I know that it really is for them.

Watching the baby ducks swim. He really wanted in that pen with them.

Watching the baby deer, daddy deer & mommy deer.

The finished bird house hanging in the tree.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Where are the birds going to live???

Saturday Morning Activity

Well, Jeni is working today so My little helper and I decided to build a nesting box for the birds. Jordan is getting to be the little helper. I built the box and Jordan stained it.

We still need to get a drill bit to put a hole in it. I didn't have a big enough one so we are going to head to Menards and see what we can find.

By Jason

Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday Fishing Trip

Friday I didn't have to work, because I have to work Saturday, and I talked Jason into taking the day off to spend with Jordan & I. We decided that we would take Jordan over to Split Rock and go fishing. We didn't catch anything but had a good time anyway. The concentration that they put into fishing, I didn't realize it took that much. - Jeni

These photos were taken by me with Jason's new camera, probably not as "professional" as Jason takes.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Watching Birds

I had vacation the week of the 4th of July this year. On Friday of that week, Jordan and I had to go to Charles City, which is about 30 or so miles away, to pick-up a part for my fire radio. While there, we stopped at the local farm store and bought a couple of bird feeders and all the trimmings. We set-up the bird feeder outside our bay window. Jordan gets excited when he sees birds eating. Here is a picture of an one of many American Goldfinch that visit. The photo was taken through our bay window.

By Jason

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Moms turn

I thought that I would just post some of the more recent pictures that have been taken of Jordan for your viewing pleasure. Please check back to see what we have been up to. With Jason's new camera I am sure there will be LOTS of new pictures to share. -Jeni

On Father's Day weekend, we made the trip to Odebolt to see Grandma & Grandpa Scanlan. Grandpa just got his tractor redone so we had to have our pictures taken on it.

Jordan loves to spend time outside, on the deck or just walking around the lawn and chasing the dogs. Here he is taking a break on daddy's new chair.

A couple of weeks ago we stained the deck, and of course Jordan had to help. This picture was taken about 5 minutes after he started. Notice the shirt is already stained, what you can't see is the stain on the other cheek. At least he had a good time. If he wouldn't have helped, I am not sure if we would have needed the third gallon of stain or not.

Jason and Jordan take Picture of Moms Roses

Jordan and myself decided to play with the new camera so we decided to take a couple of closeups of moms rose bushes by our deck. Here are a couple that I thought turned out interesting. I am still pretty green at taking pictures with a camera other than a point and shoot so it is taking me a bit to get used to it.

By Jason

Jordans 3rd Birthday

Welcome to our Blog.

Well, Monday, July 23rd is Jordan's 3rd Birthday. Where has the time gone. On Sunday, we went to Waverly to have lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Nielsen.

First we went to Cedar Bend Park just North of Waverly to take Jordan's Photo. Jason bought a new camera and Jordan is his model.

After lunch we went and picked up an ice cream cake at Dairy Queen.

Boy That is a big Cake!!

That looks straight Grandma

Blowing out candle

Good Cake!!

Grandma Helping Jordan open a present

Playing with new tee ball set.